
A condition caused by slippage at the moment of impression between the substrate and plate. Slur is characterised by the smearing of the trailing edges of a printed image or by the appearance of a double image and can happen in both machine direction and across the web. However, slur is more common in the machine direction.


– Mechanical problems;

– Poor tension control;

– Slippage of the substrate through the press caused by improper support of the sheet;

– Wrong undercut used.


– Check path rollers are running freely and that sub­strate is not dragging. Oil or lubricate, replace bear­ings or drive belt. Check chuck holding roll core is inflated or secure;

– Adjust tension to the correct level, check load cells and ensure all nips are set correctly. On a gearless press check the substrate is synchronised with the press speed, do not exceed manufacturer’s recom­mended maximum repeat length tolerances. Ensure dryers are balanced correctly so exhaust does not suck in film;

– Check pull collars and belts are not worn or set wrongly. Check parallelism between the rollers. Check vacuum levels,

– Ensure that both the plate and tape thicknesses are the same as the undercut on the plate cylinder. 

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